Posted by on Jul 1, 2020 in Our Church | 0 comments

Come, Let Us Worship

Good news! Clinton United Methodist Church is expanding worship opportunities.

Current Opportunity

Sunday Online Live Streaming 9 a.m. worship service will continue. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues this is the safest way we worship together until the all clear is given. God has blessed our church with the ability to provide these services. God has shown that we are able to reach people that we might not have otherwise reached.  Feel alive by being active participates in singing, praying out loud, taking communion together and even dance at home!

New Opportunities

Saturday Open Air Preaching starting July 11, 2020 6 p.m. John Wesley promoted open air preaching, especially after they wouldn’t let him preach in the church. This is the second safest way to worship together as long as we can practice 6 feet social distancing and wear masks. Bring your own chairs, water, and other items you need. The more people that show up the better. We’ll meet in the long shadow of the church on the East lawn each week as long as weather permits.

Sunday Morning In-House Worship starting July 19, 2020 9 a.m. Are you clamoring to be in the sanctuary? This worship service opportunity may be for you. Maybe? Oh yes, we are still on a journey. We would love to have you back in our sanctuary with no COVID-19 safety guidelines, but we are not there yet. We do want you to have the opportunity to attend in person during the live stream of our worship services on Sunday morning. To help you make an informed decision as to whether or not this service opportunity is for you, see “Sunday Morning In-House Worship – What to Expect” below to read the guidelines and procedures put in place to keep each other safe. Be loving and willing so our church is a safe sanctuary for everyone who comes.  

Future Opportunity

Open Church Doors – TBD We will keep you posted for any changes in IGRC guidelines that will enable us to enhance even further our worship experience together. We look forward to the day that we can have a big homecoming in the church all together at the same time.  We pray this will be soon if it be God’s Will.

Sunday Morning In-House Worship – What to expect

1) Live streaming video and lighting equipment may partially obstruct attendees’ view of the alter area during the service.  

2) Reservations to attend will need to be made in advance. The reservation desk is not open yet. More details to be ironed out on this one.  

3) Attendees should be willing to help reduce the risk of Covid-19 spread by practicing COVID-19 guidelines of wearing masks (if medically possible) and keeping 6 feet apart. Being willing to do this is the key to safety success.  

4) Attendees will enter through the narthex doors of the sanctuary and exit through those same doors. Handicap door use will be available for those who need it. If a line develops while waiting attendees should keep a 6 foot distance from those ahead of them.  

5) Volunteers will check attendees in and check attendees’ temperatures.

6) Ushers will seat attendees starting with the front of the sanctuary and continue toward the back. Ushers will help same household units to be seated 6 feet away from other household units.  Ushers will dismiss attendees starting with the back of the sanctuary and dismiss the front rows last.

7) Attendees may give their tithes and offering by placing them in the baskets located in the narthex as the exit the building or continue to give online.

8) Just when you want to sing the loudest we are recommending that you do not sing along with the worship leaders.

Special considerations for the Open Air Preaching and Sunday Morning In-house

Before attending consider your own risk factor especially if you are 65 years or older or have compromised immunity system, or have respiratory health issues. Know that it is ok if you do not attend and we will see you online.

Do not come if you are ill with fever or have not recovered after testing positive for COVID-19, or you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days. You should continue to remain isolated until you are given the all-clear.

These guidelines are subject to change.