Want to help?
Helene Disaster Relief
Donate through the United Methodist organization called UMCOR. United Methodists have been helping those in regions in the aftermath of the storm. We will continue to do so.
Thus far, United Methodists have:
Collected and delivered an estimated 1 million+ bottles of water to the impacted areas
Fed thousands of their neighbors
Delivered diapers and formula to the doors of families in need
Opened their facilities to provide free childcare for families of first responders and emergency personnel
Set up charging stations and WIFI hotspots
Provided access to shower trailers and laundry facilities
Distributed thousands of cleaning kits to local communities and emergency services
Offered hospitality and shelter for emergency personnel
And more…
How You Can Help:
Give a check to the Clinton UMC and mark the memo line Advance Special #901670, Helene Relief
Or, to give online, go to: https://advance.umcmission.org/p-620-umcor-us-disaster…